Welcome To Integrative Health Center
Thyroid and Fertility Doctor Lincoln NE
Hi, my name is Dr. Stan Schulte and I'm a Thyroid and Fertility Doctor in Lincoln NE. I just wanted to take a quick minute to welcome you to our website. Maybe you're dealing with thyroid issues or autoimmune hormone issues. Maybe you have digestive problems. Maybe you're here for fertility. My wife and I struggled with fertility for quite a few years and that's actually a big part of what got me into this integrative space and how we've been able to help hundreds and hundreds of people all over the country be able to get pregnant and optimize their healing response. I go in much more in detail under that fertility tab in my story, if that is something you're dealing with. Maybe you're here for the chiropractic piece. We have a really large chiropractic office that I absolutely love. It's a really unique approach. It's really gentle. We don't do any twisting, turning, popping. We have patients coming from over an hour and a half, two hours one way just for the chiropractic piece.
Welcome to Lincoln Wellness Center
Regardless of what you're dealing with, whether like I said, it's thyroid, hormones, digestive issues, fertility, what a lot of people don't realize is that the only reason I care about the back or the spine at all is because it houses the spinal cord inside of it. And that spinal cord is how that brain communicates to the rest of the body. And so my whole goal in the chiropractic piece is to optimize and speed up that healing response dramatically, regardless of what your condition is. So if that's new to you, I encourage you to check out that tab as well to gain a better understanding of what we're doing with that piece.
I really, really encourage you to take a look at our reviews. We have hundreds of patients that have taken the time to share their experience in our office to give you a better understanding of what it is that we do and to see if we're a good fit for you as well. If we are a good fit, I encourage you to give our office a call. I'd be more than happy to sit down and talk with you and give you those next steps testing wise, herb wise, and let you know how it is that we do what we do and in your specific case, what my next recommendations would be.
I'd love to help you along that journey. There are thousands of people who have gone through the journey before you, and I absolutely love it. I love what we do. I have a huge passion for not only the chiropractic piece, but all of those other pieces that I talked about as well. And I've been really blessed to have access to the best testing on the planet and the absolute best herbs on the planet as well to optimize that healing response. I look forward to talking to you soon. Please take your time around our website and make sure we're a good fit. If we are, let's take those next steps together, not only to improve your health, but more importantly, optimize your health to levels that you never thought possible. You have a great day and I look forward to talking to you soon.